41 Irvine Nugent, Emotional Intelligence

Show Notes

Why is Emotional Intelligence a critical leadership quality?
Irvine Nugent offers his insights on emotional intelligence including...
  1. How to be more self aware

  2. Tools to manage emotions and hence behavior

  3. How to recognize emotional intelligence in others

  4. Managing relationships

In this interview we explore...

  • Appreciating the gift of anger

  • What might be your trigger print?

  • How can you use the 7-second reset?

  • Understanding the role of conflict in life and leadership

  • What can we learn about leadership from Irish pubs?

Irvine Nugent has worked extensively with executive and emerging leaders as an executive coach and consultant helping them become more self-aware, manage their emotions, read the emotions of others and
manage their relationships.

Born in Northern Ireland, Irvine brings to his audiences a rich and varied experience. Growing up in a society torn apart by division and violence he has seen first-hand the damage done when communication breaks down and people fail to listen and understand.

Learn more about Irvine Nugent and his services at www.IrvineNugent.com

Review your emotional intelligence and map out the path to develop it more with this free online course - his gift to you.



Your Intended Message is the podcast about how you can boost your career and business success by honing your communication skills. We’ll examine the aspects of how we communicate one-to-one, one to few and one to many – plus that important conversation, one to self.

In these interviews we will explore presentation skills, public speaking, conversation, persuasion, negotiation, sales conversations, marketing, team meetings, social media, branding, self talk and more.


Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in communication skills. Especially presentation. He’s fascinated by the links between communication and influencing behaviours. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


Facts about George Torok

He hosted the radio show, Business in Motion for 19 years, interviewing over 500 guests.


Connect with George









Your Intended Message

You know what you meant but did the audience understand your intended message?If you have ever experienced frustration getting your message heard and ...

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