Connect with your Customer: Chaya Glatt

Show Notes

Enter the mind of your prospects
Create and convey a stronger Brand message

Episode 190 (Chaya is based in New Jersey)

In this conversation with Chaya Glatt we explore:

  • How to charge more for your services

  • Why do we need to discover our brand DNA?

  • What makes up our brand DNA?

  • Convince with words or the images for impact

  • Your thought process in creating an effective message

  • How to target the right customer

  • How to prove your claims of excellence

About out guest Chaya Glatt:

Chaya Glatt is a brand strategist, business name specialist and copywriter who helps high-performing businesses transform into big-league brands.

She's the creator of the MAD brand strategy formula and developer of Brand Authority, a training program for marketing creatives.

Review the online courses and free resources to boost your brand marketing...


Excerpts from this conversation with Chaya Glatt:

The MAD formula - Market, Audience, DNA

When we talk about market, that's your competitors. What's already out there, what everybody else is already doing, then they're done that the audience is your audience who you're trying to sell to the DNA is who you are as a brand.

What makes you awesome, the areas where you've innovated the team that you've put together, that is sometimes one of your biggest uniques. So we dig down into all those things, and that's your brand DNA.


Like the name of your podcast, your intended message is to tell the customer, why they should buy from you.

And when the customer hears, we've been around for 25 years, we have good service, we have a guarantee.

Those things are, one, something we hear from everybody else as well. It's very rare that a message like that is truly unique.

And two, those things are hard to believe they're not persuasive. Right? So you've been around for 25 years. So what maybe you've been doing a terrible job for 25 years. So why should I care?

We have good service, what does that even mean? Right? I want to know how that's going to change my life, how that's going to make a difference how that's going to solve a problem for me.

And the guarantee, okay, but I don't even care about your guarantee, because I don't know you, if I want your product. Once I know I want your product. If I hear there's a guarantee. That's cool.

That's the icing on the cake. Awesome, I have no reason to say no. But it doesn't make a difference to me yet, if I don't know that I want your product. And I think that's really like one of the biggest mistakes that brands may is just thinking that they can say whatever they want, and it doesn't need to really be met very meaningful at all.

And somehow their customer is going to get it that they are an industry leader that they are truly experienced, they are not going to get it because you haven't said anything meaningful to them.



Your Intended Message is the podcast about how you can boost your career and business success by honing your communication skills. We’ll examine the aspects of how we communicate one-to-one, one to few and one to many – plus that important conversation, one to self.

In these interviews we will explore presentation skills, public speaking, conversation, persuasion, negotiation, sales conversations, marketing, team meetings, social media, branding, self talk and more.


Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in communication skills. Especially presentation. He’s fascinated by the links between communication and influencing behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


Connect with George


Your Intended Message

You know what you meant but did the audience understand your intended message?If you have ever experienced frustration getting your message heard and ...

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