I dare you, Make me Laugh: June Cline

Show Notes

Let's start by laughing at yourself
Yes you can be funny if you are human

Episode 165 (June is based in Georgia)

In this conversation with June Cline we explore:

  • Why use humor in a business presentation

  • The risks of using humor and why some speaker avoid it

  • How laughter can bring people together and move them towards a goal

  • The undiscovered value of our flaws and foibles

  • How to find your humor even if you believe you aren't funny

  • How to use humor in your presentations

  • The four humor styles and why some don't laugh

  • You can still be taken seriously

About our guest, June Cline:

A certified, speaking professional showing you how to craft an engagingly powerful speech.

She is an official coach for TEDx St. George, Utah, and known as “The Talking Strategist.”

For 18 years, June has been known as the southern, sassy, and savvy Harley-riding Humorist. She named her motorcycle, "Good Golly Miss Molly".


Learn how June can work with you at



Take the humor quiz to determine your humor style at




Excerpts from this conversation with June Cline:


I've talked to some executives and they say, Well, you know, we're serious. This is serious business. This is this is trucking, or this is banking, or this is just serious business. We can't be laughing all the time and making jokes. What do you say to them?


You know what I, I've heard that. And I've gotten major pushback through the many, many years that I've been teaching this. And I just know that's wrong.

And especially if you can come up with what I call an IMO, which executives and everybody hates because it's an idiot moment. But don't we all have them?

Haven't we all experienced locking our keys in the car. And as one client executive found out after we'd call the tow truck and everything his window was down, all they had to do was reach.

So it's just fun stuff like that. And there are some execs and entrepreneurs that will not go there. T

hey just don't want to drop that wall down and allow people in but if you can tell, not a crazy idiot moment, but something that they all happen every day all the time.

So I encourage you to find that IMO idiot moment that will connect you with others.



Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in executive communication skills. That includes conversation and presentation. He’s fascinated by way we communicate and influence behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


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