Make Messages Stick with Brain Glue: James I. Bond

Show Notes

How to be more persuasive with emotional triggers
Discover the word tricks to magically be more convincing

Episode 156 (James is based in L.A, California)

In this conversation with James I. bond we explore:

  • Why logic often fails to convince

  • How to sell using emotional word triggers

  • How to make ideas sticky

  • How to get people to make decisions faster

  • The power of poetry, analogy, alliteration, humor

  • 14 techniques to tap into brain glue

  • How you can brainstorm for brain glue ideas

About our guest, James I Bond:

James Bond is one of America's leading behavioral management and marketing specialists. He is author of the bestselling book, BRAIN GLUE - How Selling Becomes Much Easier by Making Your Ideas "Sticky"

Learn more about his book at


Your message is not just words. It's not just numbers. It's passionate emotion. When you can transfer that emotion to the other person, they're more likely to buy from you.



Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in executive communication skills. That includes conversation and presentation. He’s fascinated by way we communicate and influence behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


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