Weed Words: Thanks for having me

Show Notes

If I have you, how would you feel?
If you were had how would you feel?
What is gross about this phrase?
Welcome to Weed Words, the weekly micro tip on words to avoid so you can have more credibility when you speak.


Thanks for having me

What do you feel or see when you hear this phrase? Thanks for having me.

I cringe. The visual associated with this phrase is yucky.

I hosted a radio show for 19 years and interviewed over 600 guests. I continue to interview guests on my podcast, Your Intended Message. Please tune in because it’s the podcast about communication in business. Your Intended Message.

Sometimes the guest says, thank you for having me.

Yuck, I didn’t have you.

There are two ways to interpret this phrase.

You were either - duped or eaten.

The past tense of have is had. If you were had, that usually means

you were cheated. I didn’t cheat you.

The other interpretation of have is eaten.


What did you have for lunch? A hamburger. It was delicious.

What did you have for dessert? A crème Brule.


Who did you have yesterday? That’s a relevant question for Hannibal Lector. Remember Hannibal the Cannibal.

He could answer, I had a census taker along with a nice chianti and fava beans.

I suppose that the ghost of that census taker could say, “Thank you for having me. Trust that I was delicious”


Stop saying thank you for having me. It’s gross.


Instead, you can say


Delighted to be on (name of program)

Thank you for the opportunity to talk to your audience about (the topic)

It was a pleasure to discuss how people can (benefit of the topic)

Thanks for inviting to speak to your audience on (name of program)

Thank you for the engaging conversation about (the topic)


Notice how these phrases are much more thoughtful, engaging and friendly.


Until I switch to the cannibal diet, I’m not going to have you. So please don’t say, thank you for having me.


Beware of the Weed Words


Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in executive communication skills. That includes conversation and presentation. He’s fascinated by way we communicate and influence behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


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