Workplace Engagement: Paul ter Wal

Show Notes

Are you ready to better engage your workplace team?
What are the benefits of better engagement in the workplace?

Episode 142 (Paul is based in the Netherlands)

  • How workplace engagement contributes to profitability

  • Why core values and non-negotiables become more relevant

  • Why leaders need to become better listeners

  • How the pandemic and younger generations are reshaping the workplace

  • Why people need a direction and purpose

  • What's more important than money

  • Why alignment is critical and how to create it.

About Paul ter Wal:

Paul says that core values are non-negotiable for Gen Y & Z.

Paul was President of the Global Speakers Federation in 2019-2020 and learned how to create stronger belonging via the internet.

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Excerpts from this conversation with Paul ter Wal


You know your own core values, know your own non negotiables? Who are you? What are you standing for, then be sure that you are aligned with the core values, the mission and vision of the organization. Because that's the base. Walk your talk. If you can't walk the talk of the organization, you can't be a good leader.


The advantages of having engaged employees are very important for profitability. So it's no longer Well, if you don't like it anymore, go away, we will find somebody else. Now the employer has to work on engagement to get the retention.


Simon Sinek and Aristotle told us a long time ago that you need to find your why.

And I think younger people are much more aware of the question.

Why am I doing what I'm doing? Is that what really gets me fun? So yeah, it's it's not that they don't like the money.

But it was for a long time, the absolute number one, work hard, be successful be ribs.

Now it is seeking purpose, work hard, and maybe you will be successful. So what we teach older employees and older people thought after fighting wars, that we said, well, we need well being we need more money, we want to have more material.

They have it all. They have a car, they're have a house. So then the only stuff is not in material is not a money. It's more in why am I doing this? What is what is my purpose in life.

And I think that change too, because we became less religious, less connected to Protestant, Roman, Catholic, Anglican, communist socialist, we add those core values that were put upon us, by others in church or whatever, that's gone, especially in Europe.

It's gone. You need to find your own why. And I think that's one of the reasons that a lot of younger people have mental issues as well. They are looking for, why am I doing what I'm doing?

What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? And normally, the priest or the vicar will tell you why you were here. I think over the years spotted the genius at still now that changed. And that's what I see. I'm becoming much more aware of it.

That suddenly we want to know what our core values as negotiables are. And then it's Our individual core values. And that is connecting to your why.



Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in executive communication skills. That includes conversation and presentation. He’s fascinated by way we communicate and influence behaviors. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


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