How to stay on track during the podcast interview: Brandy Whalen

when you are a podcast guest you want to be focused and stay on message. How to keep your message clear and avoid tangents that confuse listeners. Listen to the full interview with Brandy Whalen on the podcast, Your Intended Message here ----- So guesting - it is really easy for people, I think you've probably experienced this time or two that they start to go on a tangent, and maybe in a direction that had nothing to do with the question that was asked, and it just keeps going. So I call it the seven second stray where it, you can have a perfectly great interview, and then all of a sudden, things just start unravelling. And a lot of times it's nerves. Sometimes it's comfort, because you're in you know, 15 minutes talking to someone, you're getting more comfortable, you're settling in, and then it just goes. So that is something that I tell people to always be mindful of, is pay attention to the question. Yes, relax, because that's important. It is a conversation. But don't get too relaxed, that you start to go off and tell stories that maybe could unravel everything. So just being mindful of that. And for hosts, I think sometimes hosts get excited and they will maybe package five questions into one question. And that happens all the time. And just to kind of slow down, make a note, if you if you have five questions, ask one and then make a note whatever you need to do on your on the side to make sure that you address the things you still want to cover. Just make a note of it. You'll get to it. ----- You can watch the full interview with Brandy Whalen here ------- We explore how executives can be better podcast guests and more effective with their messages.

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