We remember how we FEEL about You: Graham Brown

Connect with your audience by touching their emotions because they will forget your facts and data. We will remember how you made us feel. https://youtu.be/tqu8wEdwli8 ----------- Graham Brown talks about connecting with your audience with stories and emotion. Listen to this conversation on the podcast, Your Intended Message, with host George Torok https://yourintendedmessage.podbean.com/e/68-graham-brown-the-3-box-storytelling-technique/ ------ I would say probably at the top of the advice that I would give them is ..... Maya Angelou, the civil rights activist and author, she said that people will always forget what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel. When you make a presentation, that you've got to make them feel something. And whatever that something is, it's the lasting impression that they'll have of you. They'll forget all your facts, forget the facts. Forget the bullet points. Use the emotion. There's got to be emotion in your presentation. And it doesn't have to be operatic. It can just be simple. You know, you could talk about family, you could talk about fear, you could talk about frustration, you could talk about vulnerability, you can talk about hope, in different ways. People will remember that you can make them laugh. You can make them worried. That's what they remember. Whatever it is that you want them to feel, you can make them feel that but that is what they will remember your presentation for every single fact that you give them will be forgotten in time, but those emotions will last. So that's the first point. Always focus on the feeling that you're going to leave behind. ------ Watch the full conversation with Graham Brow about telling powerful stories when you speak or deliver presentations. https://youtu.be/u_Ipq_kHa8c ------

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