Why you need to write more often: Jim Rowe

How to write more to improve your thinking skills. Writing isn't only about sending messages to others. Writing stimulates your thinking. Listen to Jim Rowe on the podcast, Your Intended Message https://yourintendedmessage.podbean.com/e/writing-stimulates-critical-thinking-jim-rowe/ The only thing I would say about doing a journal is it's kind of your thoughts and what's been going on. And I think I've been reading a lot now, you know, once once I discovered the problem on my own, and then I discovered all this research that supports that communication is a big problem, that I dug deeper into why that's happening from the educational standpoint, I started looking into the educational world. And a lot of the way they teach writing is there's like the six styles is narrative and expository and they eventually get to argumentative and persuasive. Some studies or articles I've seen, combine them and some of them are separate. But at the end of the day, a lot of the teachers and I listen to a lot of teachers podcasts in the last six months, and I find that they want to have people express themselves. I think that's great because that everything isn't all about business and being super structured. -----

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