You have Permission to Brag and Promote Yourself: Lisa Bragg

It's okay to brag about your accomplishments if it's true. If you did good work, let people know. You have permission to brag without feeling guilty. Listen to Lisa Bragg on the podcast, Your Intended Message. 00:00 Introduction to Lisa Bragg and Bragging Rights 01:27 Why are we afraid to brag about ourself? 03:13 What are you proud of? 05:28 Write your obituary while you are alive 06:48 Boost your mental health with your success stories 08:54 Yes, you're already good enough 11:15 Tell your success stories 16:21 Help your team to talk about each other 18:30 Your success matters to others 22:39 We watnn to hear success stories to encourage us 26:28 Bragging Rights the book by Lisa Bragg 27:03 Encourage your team to brag ----- Listen to this episode on the podcast, Your Intended Message here Learn more about Lisa Bragg ----- Excerpts from this conversation with Lisa Bragg: Delighted to be talking with you today, in particular about your book Bragging Rights. Partly because bragging when I was a kid, it was a bad word, George, it's such a taboo topic. It really is. And that's why I really want us to start talking about it. Because, you know, we are products of where we've come from. So a lot of us, you know, our parents, it's the factory era. So they were taught to put your head down, do good work, and eventually someone will notice you. They've passed that on to us. But it's comes from the factory era where we were cogs in a machine. Before that, we wanted to just get a steady paycheck. But now I'm going to just quickly Fast Forward us. We're now in the information and imagination era. And we all know we compete and collaborate globally. So we need to shift the mindset of what bragging and self promotion is to what it really needs to be. And I'll get out right off the top for our audience and for everyone. Bragging means to talk about your success with pride. And pride means self love, and I believe we all need more of that self love. But we get it confused with self aggrandizement. I think it's because self aggrandizement is one of those mouthful words. It's a big word. So and that means that's the puffery that that achiness that we think is bragging, that's the oh, I'm better than you kind of attitude, which is not bragging, bragging is really talking about your success. -----

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