63 Jason Voiovich, Blending Story Telling, Marketing and History

Show Notes

"Your Intended Message is Your Intended Story"
Effective marketing is based on telling powerful stories. You can create powerful stories when based on lessons from history.

Jason Voiovich Is a marketer and story teller who studies the lessons of history.


Insights from this conversation

History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme.

Gain a competitive story telling edge from history lessons

Stories build on minimal facts - then additional facts are added to fill in the gaps

Why did each of the four participants in the War of 1812 tell a different story?

The story contains a hero, villain and conflict

Abraham Lincoln was an excellent story teller and joke teller


Over 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products. His success as a marketer is based on his power of observation of people and history. He studied the presidents of the United States from the perspective as Marketer in Chief and published his findings in his book, Marketer In Chief.


You can find his book at all the usual book distributers and learn more at this website 





Your Intended Message is the podcast about how you can boost your career and business success by honing your communication skills. We’ll examine the aspects of how we communicate one-to-one, one to few and one to many – plus that important conversation, one to self.

In these interviews we will explore presentation skills, public speaking, conversation, persuasion, negotiation, sales conversations, marketing, team meetings, social media, branding, self talk and more.


Your host is George Torok

George is a specialist in communication skills. Especially presentation. He’s fascinated by the links between communication and influencing behaviours. He delivers training and coaching programs to help leaders and promising professionals deliver the intended message for greater success.


Facts about George Torok

He hosted the radio show, Business in Motion for 19 years, interviewing over 500 guests.


Connect with George










Your Intended Message

You know what you meant but did the audience understand your intended message?If you have ever experienced frustration getting your message heard and ...

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